Canterbury to Coventry: Stained Glass in English Cathedrals

5. September 2022 18:00

Adrian Barlow

Cathedrals are among the most popular visitor attractions in the British Isles. With some notable exceptions, however, the stained glass of these magnificent buildings often receives only passing attention. This lecture will offer a revaluation of a spectacular but neglected aspect of English art. It will range between the 12th century glass in Canterbury Cathedral and the 14th century east windows of Gloucester and York; it will also ask how far the outstanding Victorian glass of the 19th century glass at Lichfield and Birmingham, the dramatic mid 20th century glass of Coventry and the recent Richard III windows in Leicester Cathedral have revitalized and refocused the direction of stained glass in English cathedrals.

Adrian Barlow is a Fellow and Past President of the English Association, and was formerly Director of Public and Professional Programmes at the University of Cambridge’s Institute of Continuing Education. Now retired, he continues to write and lecture extensively on literature, architecture and stained glass. In the past decade he had published four books: World and Time: Teaching Literature in Context (200), Extramural: Literature and Lifelong Learning (2012), Kempe: the Life, Art and Legacy of Charles Eamer Kempe (2018) and Espying Heaven: the Stained Glass of Charles Eamer Kempe and his Artists (2019).

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