Here you can find a selection of interesting articles and reports dealing with the subject “Brexit”.


English without the English, Overseas, Journal of the Royal Overseas League, London, No. 718, December 2017, p. 24-26
Brexit – Exit, Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen Nr. 159, Heft IV/2017, S. 24-25
Brexit and its impact on charitable causes, Charities Aid Foundation, Dezember 2017
Making the most of the Brexit deal, Hertie School, 18.12.2017
The Brexit Vote and Inflation, Centre for Economic Performance/LSE, November 2017
Ireland on the Rocky Road to BREXIT, Jacques Delors Institute, 30.11.17
Understanding the “BREXIT Divorce Bill”, Jacques Delors Institute, 21.11.17
Post-Brexit law enforcement cooperation, The UK in a Changing Europe, 17.11.17
War metaphors have no place in the Brexit debate, The UK in a Changing Europe, 14.11.17
Exit, voice or loyalty? Young people on Europe and Democracy, Studie, Institute of Public Affairs, Bertelsmann Stiftung, 08.11.17
Brexit and the Environment, NABU, 26.10.2017
Brexit: implications for digital citizens and consumers, Report, Carnegie UK Trust, September 2017
Brexit factsheets: 10 essential topics, The UK in a Changing Europe, September 2017
The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: Brexit does not mean Brexit, Policy Paper, Jacques Delors Institut Berlin, 13.09.17
Time for Change – A New Vision for the British Economy, Interim Report, IPPR Commission on Economic Justice, September 2017
Draft EU position papers on Article 50 negotiations, European Commission, 29.05.2017
Passporting and equivalence: Brexit’s impact on the City of London, The UK in a Changing Europe, May 2017
European Defence in View of Brexit, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, April 2017