13. February 18:30
Helga Stellmacher
Die Volkshochschule Essen, Kleiner Saal (Raum E 11)
Peace & Prosperity: The power of Cultural Relations
17. February 18:00
Dr. Birgit Bujard, Thomas Sparrow
Via Zoom
ARE YOU OK, UK? Zwischen Haushalts-Foxtrott, Transatlantik-Tango & EU-Walzer
20. February 19:00
James Rawlings
Frankfurter Presseclub and virtual (via Zoom*)
Searching for Britain at the bottom of a glass: Wetherspoons and the Heritage Industry
May 2025
7. May 18:30
Dr. Ryan Swift
Die Volkshochschule Essen, Kleiner Saal (Raum E 11)
Levelling Up – Reflections from the North of England
8. May 20:00
Dr. Ryan Smith
VHS Münster
“Levelling up – Reflections from the North of England“
June 2025
2. June 18:00
Richard Ayre
Institut für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Keltologie der Universität Bonn
Free Media and Democracy: interdependent or incompatible?
4. June 18:30
Richard Ayre
Die Volkshochschule Essen, Kleiner Saal (Raum E 11)
Free Media and Democracy: interdependent or incompatible?
5. June 20:00
Richard Ayre
“Free Media and Democracy: interdependant or incompatible?“
July 2025
2. July 18:30
Dr. Donna Carroll
Die Volkshochschule Essen, Kleiner Saal (Raum E 11)
Artificial Intelligence: Past, Present, Pitfalls & Possibilities
September 2025
1. September 18:30
Colin A. Munro CMG
FGS Flick Gocke Schaumburg
On the Background to BREXIT: The UK’s Entry To The Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM)
November 2025
3. November 19:00
Robert Leigh Turner CMG
Universitätsclub Bonn e.V.
Lessons in Diplomacy: Politics, Power and Parties
12. November 18:30
Jakob Steffen
Die Volkshochschule Essen, Kleiner Saal (Raum E 11)