27. Mai 2021 19:00
Professor Katy Hayward
Via Zoom
Following an innovative UK-EU compromise in the Withdrawal Agreement in the Protocol on Northern Ireland/Ireland, the threat of violence in Northern Ireland is back in the headlines from Brussels and on the streets of Belfast. This talk will explore the connections between the Protocol, border controls and the peace process, and what it might mean for the future of Northern Ireland.
Katy Hayward will speak from the heart of research on these issues. She is Professor of Political Sociology at Queen’s University Belfast and she leads a major ESRC-funded project on the topic of the future and status of Northern Ireland after Brexit. She is an internationally recognised expert on Brexit and Northern Ireland/Ireland, particularly with respect to the Irish border. She was appointed to the technical expert panel of the UK government’s Alternative Arrangements Advisory Group on Brexit (2019).
Professor Hayward has written and presented widely on the topic of Brexit to media, policy, civic and academic audiences. In recognition of her analysis on Brexit, Katy was given a special award from the Ewart-Biggs Memorial Prize (2020) and the title of ‘Political Communicator of the Year’ from the Political Studies Association (UK, 2019).
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86409480613?pwd=K01DMlB4bjBOMS9BRmFuQ3RjZDdTUT09
Meeting ID: 864 0948 0613
Passcode: 108504
27. Mai 2021 19:00
Professor Katy Hayward
Via Zoom
Following an innovative UK-EU compromise in the Withdrawal Agreement in the Protocol on Northern Ireland/Ireland, the threat of violence in Northern Ireland is back in the headlines from Brussels and on the streets of Belfast. This talk will explore the connections between the Protocol, border controls and the peace process, and what it might mean for the future of Northern Ireland.
Katy Hayward will speak from the heart of research on these issues. She is Professor of Political Sociology at Queen’s University Belfast and she leads a major ESRC-funded project on the topic of the future and status of Northern Ireland after Brexit. She is an internationally recognised expert on Brexit and Northern Ireland/Ireland, particularly with respect to the Irish border. She was appointed to the technical expert panel of the UK government’s Alternative Arrangements Advisory Group on Brexit (2019).
Professor Hayward has written and presented widely on the topic of Brexit to media, policy, civic and academic audiences. In recognition of her analysis on Brexit, Katy was given a special award from the Ewart-Biggs Memorial Prize (2020) and the title of ‘Political Communicator of the Year’ from the Political Studies Association (UK, 2019).
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86409480613?pwd=K01DMlB4bjBOMS9BRmFuQ3RjZDdTUT09
Meeting ID: 864 0948 0613
Passcode: 108504